About the Work
In order to begin the process of developing and deepening Culturally Responsive Teaching practices, you will want to consider reading key texts that support this work. As you read, reflect on specific ways you can intentionally embed these approaches into your educational space.
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Courageous Conversations - Glenn E. Singleton
Culturally Responsive Teaching and The Brain - Zaretta Hammond
Cultivating Genius - Gholdy Muhammad
This Book is Antiracist - Tiffany Jewel
Why Are All of the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria - Beverly Daniel Tatum
How to be An Anti-Racist - Ibram X. Kendi
Racial Trauma
My Grandmother’s Hands - Resmaa Menakem
Understanding & Spotting Bias
Blind Spot - Mahzarin R. Benaji